OK, been a while since my last update since I've been pretty mobile the last 6 months or so, so it's time for a bit of a flashback sequence to catch up.
I took a work assignment for 3 months down in Marion, VA -- right near some old paddling and climbing haunts from college. I found a local cabin available to rent at Hungry Mother State Park, and after the long drive, pulled in over my private bridge over a small creek to what would become home for a while in the Southern Appalachians.
Spring time there means hungry trout though, so it didn't take long to find some nice local water with hungry wild trout eager to take a dry. Small streams cover the topo maps down there, and many, if they've survived mining pollution and warming stream temps, still harbor good populations of wild fish. You're not going to catch a 30" rainbow, but you'll have complete solitude and experience fly fishing that hasn't changed much over the years.
Fight the cabin fever, get out the maps, get the Jeep dirty, and head out. Embrace the rhododendron. It's worth a hike or two.
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